**TI92**main_!Zÿÿ¬_!â7w2B8w2 _! ÿÿâ7w28Rdefaultæ¥ZŒ() Prgm local choice,modesz,graphz,rangez,standarz ClrIO Lbl default Dialog Title "Defaults" Text "Default 1.5" Text "By Matt Zilli" EndDlog PopUp {"Reset All","Reset Modes","Reset Graphing","Reset Range","Reset Modes/Graph","Reset Modes/Range","Reset Graph/Range","Reset Range to Std","Quit"},choice if choice=1 then goto Modesz goto Graphz goto Rangez goto Standarz endif if choice=2 then goto modesz endif if choice=3 then goto graphz endif if choice=4 then goto rangez endif if choice=5 then goto modesz goto graphz endif if choice=6 then goto modesz goto rangez endif if choice=7 then goto graphz goto rangez endif if choice=8 then goto standarz endif if choice=9 then clrio stop endif ©Starts Lbl's lbl modesz setMode("Graph","Function") Disp "Graph set to Function" setMode("Angle","Radian") Disp "Angle set to Radian" setMode("Exponential Format","Normal") Disp "Exponential Format set to normal" setMode("Complex Format","Rectangular") Disp "Complex Format set to Rectangular" setMode("Vector Format","Rectangular") Disp "Vector Format set to Rectangular" setMode("Pretty Print","On") Disp "Pretty Print turned On " setMode("Split Screen","Full") Disp "Split Screen turned Off " setMode("Split 1 App","Home") Disp "Split 1 set to Home" setMode("Exact/Approx","Auto") Disp "Exact/Approx set to Auto" Pause ClrIO lbl graphz setGraph("Coordinates","Rect") Disp "Coordinates set to Rectangular" setGraph("Graph Order","Simul") Disp "Graph Order set to Simul" setGraph("Grid","On") Disp "Grid is On" setGraph("Axes","On") Disp "Axes are On" setGraph("Leading Cursor","On") Disp "Leading Cursor is On" setGraph("Labels","On") Disp "Labels are On" Pause ClrIO lbl rangez ­119xmin 119xmax 10xscl ­51ymin 51ymax 10yscl 2xres Disp "Range set to Friendly Window" Pause ClrIO lbl standarz ­11.9xmin 11.9xmax 1.0xscl ­10.2ymin 10.2ymax 1.0yscl 2xres Disp "Range set to Std" Pause ClrIO EndPrgm äåÜÖ}