1. What is it ?
JPlot is a little mathematical equations plotter. You can draw standard (y=f(x)) and parametric (x=f(t) y=f(t)) equations.
2. How to use ?
You should have java 1.1 or latest version. Unpack the zip file, and type : java JPlot to lauch it.
Open in the File menu, chose a sample fille (equation.txt and equation-param.txt) see it...
Menu :
- File :
- Open : chose a new equations file.
- Redraw : redraw equations.
- Reread : reread the equation file.
- equation.txt : Select directly the equation.txt file.
- equation-parm.txt : Select directly the equation-param.txt file.
- Quit :
- View :
- Source : view the equations file.
- Info : little information about the function.
- Options :
- Not Connected : don't draw connected.
- Draw Points : draw all points.
- Draw Grid : draw the grid.
- Help :
- Help : (not made in this version).
- About : about...
3. Create a new equation File :
The equation file is a text file contain all fonctions equations.
Exemple whith equation-parm.txt :
# blablabla the # symbole define comment text.
PARAM TYPE Define the fonction is Parametric type default is standard.
-9 XMIN Define the minimun of X, default is -10.
9 XMAX Define the maximum of X, default is -10.
0.1 STEP Define the calcul step, default is 1.
-3.2 TMIN Define the minimun of T, parametrique only, default is -10.
3.2 TMAX Define the maximum of T, parametrique only, default is -10.
1 GRIDSTEP Define the calcul step of the grid, default is 1.
yellow BGCOLOR Define the back ground color, default is white.
green GRIDCOLOR Define the grid color, default is green.
a 2 2 + DEF Define a Symbole (a=4)
b 1 3 * DEF Define a Symbole (b=3)
The aren't a limitation of the number of Symbole.
rouge COLOR
X { 3 3 t * SIN * a - } DEF
Y { 2 4 t * SIN * b - } DEF
bleu COLOR
X { 3 3 t * SIN * a + } DEF
Y { 2 4 t * SIN * b + } DEF
4. Screen shots :
5. Download :
Licence :
All source and documentation ©1998 Frederic TYNDIUK (Alias FTLS)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Because the program is licensed Free of charge, there is NO WARRANTY for this Program...
6. Know Bugs :
- The 0.0 of the screen are a different place in Windows and Linux, that why have a white bar on the top of the Windows...
7. Author :
Author is Frederic TYNDIUK (
If you use and appreciate JMines, send me a mail.
If you encounter problems, or if you want to submit enhancements, or just make a bug report, send it to the address above.