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eWLA (e Web Log Analyzer)
Version 0.1

    What is it ?

        e Web Log Analyzer (eWLA) is a web server log file analysis program
    which produces detailed usage statistics. It's responses in graphical
    and tabular form.

    In this first version eWLA supports only combined Apache log format.

    System Requirements:

        - Perl 5.0 or newer; you can get it at http://www.perl.com/
        - GD Lib (maximum version of 1.7x, not 1.8)
        - Perl GD Module (maximum version of 1.19)
        - Perl GDGraph Module (maximum version of 1.30)
        - Perl GDGraph3d Module (maximum version of 0.40)
            - This modules can be found into package or into CPAN server.
        - Optinaly a Apache web server.

    Download current version

        Current version is v0.1, created 05/31/00, last modified 05/25/00.

        Download source code / scripts and documentations :
             Tar/Gzip archive : ewla.tar.gz (0 Ko)
             DOS Zip format   : ewla.zip (0 Ko)

    What this archive contains ?

            This archive comes with different files:
                - COPYING:       Copyright informations (GPL).
                - README:        This file.
                - LISEZMOI:      French doc...
                - ewla.pl:       Perl Launcher.
                - ewla_logan.pl: Log Analyzer program.
                - ewla_graph.pl: Report Generator.
                - ewla.cfg:      Config File (default).
                - ewla_fr.cfg:   Config File translated to french.
                - ewla.lg:       English language support file (default).
                - ewla_fr.lg:    French  language support file.
                - ewla_mk_help.pl : Program used to make help cards.
                - ewla_cal.cgi:  CGI calendar
                - present/html   Images and statics pages directory.
                - present/templates    Templates pages directory.

    How does it works:

            Do nothing, it just launch 'ewla_logan.pl' and 'ewla_graph.pl'.

            1) Parse web log file for each new days and store result into
        resume directory (actually 1 file by day).
            2) Read days data files and calculate sum for each month beginning.
            3) Read months data files and calculate sum for each year beginning.

            Read each news or modified resumes data files and create report for
        this news days.

    If you want to use it for daily report day by day, It should be
        recommended to it with 'ewla_cal.cgi' module. This module make automatically
        links for calendar without recalculate all report. To use copy index_cgi.html
        into index.html and edit 'ewla_cal.cgi' file for configure it (Same info that
        'ewla.cfg' file)

    Installation and Configuration:

        It's a Perl script, so installation is pretty easy. You don't need to
    compile anything.

    Edit config file (ewla.cfg) :
            read comment and change defaults values if needed...

    Copy statics pages and images :
            copy 'present/html/*' into your report result directory

    Launch 'ewla_mk_help.pl' to create helps card.

    Optional : change default reports presents. See section 7.

    How to run it ?

        ewla.pl [Options]
        Options :
            -c file,    --conf-file file      config file name (default ewla.cfg).
            -l file,    --log-file file       log file name.
            -rd dir,    --res-dir dir         name resume dir.
            -od dir,    --out-dir dir         name output dir.
            -v,         --version             output version information and exit.
            -h,         --help                display help and exit.

    How to change look ?

        If you want to personalize your web stats you can.
            Edit files into directory 'present/templates'.

    Data are placed where there're a tag 'Value_*'

    Can be used into all templates :
            Value_site_name  : replaced by 'ServerName' value of config file.
            Value_site_url   : replaced by 'ServerURL'  value of config file.
            Value_img_up_dir : replaced by ../ or ../../ ...
            Value_gene_date  : replaced by the generate date.

    Value_scale_date : replaced by full report period name and date.
            Value_scale_date_report_type : replaced by report period type name.
            Value_scale_date_report_time : replaced by full report period date.
            Value_scale_date_yer         : replaced by report period year.
            Value_scale_date_mth         : replaced by report period month.
            Value_scale_date_day         : replaced by report period day.
            Value_calendar   : replaced by the calendar
            Value_menu       : replaced by the menu

    Can be used into all main stats template (stats.html) :
            eWLA (e Web Log Analyzer)
    Version 0.1            : replaced by title of the  section
            Value_txt_intro        : replaced by intro text of the section
            eWLA (e Web Log Analyzer)
    Version 0.1_head_help  : replaced by help title of the  section
            Value_txt_help         : replaced by help text of the  section
            Value_graph1           : replaced by first graphic if there are.
            Value_graph2           : replaced by second graphic if there are.
            Value_tab              : replaced by tabular.
            FTLS_COPYRIGHT : My Copyright (You shouldn't remove it...)

    Edit config file to change default color.

    What should be added ? / Bugs :

        For future version, I want to add / change many thinks :
            - Recognize multi log file format ( &load_log_line() function ).
            - Recognize multi virtual host.
            - Change (help comments) / add language support files (ewla_*.lg file).
            - Change look, I'm not good graphite.
            - Change GD lib use to recognize PNG.

    Known Bugs :
            - Random error into record history.
            - False yearly average.
            - Black gif if no minimum data.

    Of course, if you want to help me to develop this project, you can under
    terms of GPL...

    Version history:

        Version 0.1             05/30/00  - First public release.
        Version 0.1B            05/15/00  - First pre release.
        Version 0.00             04/20/00  - Beginning project.

    Special Thanks :

        Thanks to 'Arthur Corliss' conceptor of Perl WebStat for few Idea :
            - The most important using GD Lib for graphics.

    Thanks to webfutur ( http://www.webfutur.com/ ) to accept that I distribut
    this program into GPL with my copyright, beacuse it was made only into meines


        This software is copyright (C) 2000 Frederic TYNDIUK. It is distributed
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Because it is licensed
    free of charge, there is NO WARRANTY, it is provided AS IS. The author can not
    be held liable for any damage that might arise from the use of this software.
    Use it at your own risk.
        See the file COPYING for more details (or http://www.gnu.org/).

    Warning: That not because it's a free software what you could remove copyright...

    Updates ?

        Latest version and New Scripts can be found at:



        Please feel free to contact me with any comments, suggestions, bug fixes
    criticism, or just a happiness messages.

    If you run into any problems while trying to configure these scripts
    first read this file carefully, if you don't find any solution, send me a Mail.

    E-Mail: tyndiuk@ftls.org
        Web: http://www.ftls.org/

                                                      Frederic TYNDIUK


© Copyright 2000 FTLS (Tyndiuk Frédéric). All rights reserved.
Last Update 08/03/2000 - Send all comments to webmaster@ftls.org